Wednesday 3 June 2020

A Wander around Warners

It’s nice to explore the world around you. You can discover new and interesting places. But sometimes you really need to know where you’re going. It’s no good going for a wander if you’re not going to enjoy it; and it could waste a great deal of your time. It’s also nice to know if you can wander around in a circle. If you have to go back the way you came, things can get too repetitive and boring. The challenge is knowing a bit about where you’re going rather than just ploughing on. Do you see what’s around the corner before deciding if you should turn around? I find that asking around is sometimes detrimental to the experience as one opinion can differ greatly from another. That’s why it’s always best to have a map. You can plan your route and have a guide as to what to expect without ruining too much of the adventure for you.

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