Wednesday 17 June 2020

Breakfast Time

It’s hard to get a child to try something new; especially when it’s the same colour as poo. When they’re too young to protest they’ll just have what they’re given. They’ll either reject it or accept it, and once they’ve done the latter it’ll be easier to stick with the things that they do like. But then along comes something new. Change. Will they like it? Will they take the risk? It’s a big investment. You’ve got to persuade them to ignore the doubts and plunge straight in. But when change does come along, it’s a big comfort to have something that does say the same so that there’s some sort of normality preserved. It’s comforting. You know where you stand if you had something that you’ve tried before, and it’s relaxing because there’s no sense of risk. So it’s always handy to have something familiar to fall back on, especially in a different environment.

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