Thursday 11 June 2020

Chloe and the Great Glass Elevator

The presentation was very informative and tried to keep everyone entertained by switching characters, but I fear that little ones would have been put off and maybe even frightened in the dark. We carried on into a tour of the factory itself where we saw various products flying around on conveyor belts and being packed. We also got to stir chocolate and write our own names, and we could also pick toppings to sample along with chocolate in its liquid form. Then it was time for a ride through an animated world. There was a long queue for this but they’d employed a children’s entertainer to keep the little ones happy. As we got nearer, he told a few jokes then apologised for the wait as the ride had been breaking down. Just as we entered the alpine village section of the ride, it broke down. We had to sit there in the artificial snow listening to animated high-pitched laughing from the beanies while a voice on the speaker calmly asked used to remain in our car. And that was all we could do. Luckily, the next section of the tour was the media zone so it was a perfect opportunity to get those voices out of our heads. We spent some time in the gift shop then grabbed a bite to eat from the packed cafeteria. There were two things left to do; the 4D cinema and the playground. There was quite a queue for the cinema so we let Chloe loose on the playground while we waited in line for her; though she missed someone climbing after her to chase her. Then we picked up our glasses to see who stole the mini eggs. 

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