Wednesday 24 June 2020


Quite simply, it’s Doctor Who for adults. There’s more blood, more sex (perhaps a bit too much), and new baddies, though it would have been fun if they’d have made some more episodes which included some old ones. But just like the Doctor, Captain Jack’s past is also kept secret unless it’s relevant to the plot, which frustrates the viewer as much as the other characters. I thought that the first two series in the traditional format were brilliant and the extended storyline in the third series worked very well. But it all seemed to fall apart in the fourth series. The American agents were either just too serious or over-dramatic; with only Gwen trying to retain the show’s traditional comedy value. The show’s continuity was left wide open but it will take a good storyteller to bring the show back up to its original values. Perhaps there could be another spin-off with Captain Jack charting his adventures with the time agency. Now I just need to watch the Sarah-Jane adventures and I’ll be up to date with the whole franchise.

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