Monday 8 June 2020

Fisherman's Friends

This is a heart-warming tale of community which is something that the cinema lacks these days, and I even found myself shedding a tear towards the end. You certainly gain an insight of life in small communities. It’s hard to warm to them at first as they don’t take too kindly themselves to their visitors, and I didn’t enjoy the mocking and the cynicism from the music industry either. “Troy” was over-exaggerated, although the group’s choice of song at the wedding didn’t help things either. But Danny’s naivety was heart-warming, and his determination to achieve his goal certainly won over this viewer’s heart. I genuinely felt for him when he offered guidance to the village pub’s tenancy without realising the consequences of his actions, and the difficulties he faced when they arrived in London. But you could see from the beginning of exile from city life that he was determined to fit in. The only odd thing about this film is that there’s no actual fish – a bit fishy all things considered.

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