Friday 26 June 2020

Life after Lockdown

If you haven’t been out in the world for a while, you may be in for a bit of a shock. People are more cautious out there. They may cross the road to avoid you, or they may suddenly try to hide themselves as if they’re about to spring onto you. You can’t necessarily go the normal way that you want to go, even when on foot. They’re also less welcoming. They’ll be hiding behind screens or wearing helmets that look like they’ve been borrowed off a riot squad. Rather than being invited in, they’ll often ask if your visit is necessary and what your purpose is. There’ll also be hazard tape everywhere; covering the floor and in between posts to make queue systems. Meanwhile, the rest of us who’ve put ourselves through this process will try to get on while you stagger around like mindless zombies trying to work out what is going on.

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