Wednesday 10 June 2020


What’s going on with PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)? Why is it so suddenly unavailable? I know that people are after more, but we should try and look after the equipment that we’ve got rather than source new stuff. Surely a spray and a rub-down with some antibacterial spray should do the trick? I found a dust mask in the garage to use, but many people have improvised with scarves, scuba masks and old bras (always use the left cup otherwise you’ll look a right tit). And plenty of schoolchildren have been filmed making equipment for friends and family and donating it to community causes. The problem is that it’s manufactured as cheaply as possible in a faraway land. Many British companies have offered to manufacture it here but have found that the markets are slow in purchases so have sent them elsewhere. But isn’t this what we’re trying to get away from? What was the whole point of Brexit? It’s just so infuriating.

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