Monday 1 June 2020

Up the Bosporus

One of Mum’s ambitions was to sail up the Bosporus, and we managed to find a ferry to do this for a bargain 25 lira a head. This wasn’t a sightseeing tour but a passenger ferry, so we were without a guide or the commentary, and we weren’t sure what we were looking at some of the time. We were also subjected to beggars selling scarves but it was a day out on a shoestring. We called in at various ports and I had a map on my phone so we could get some idea of what we were looking at, including castles and palaces. Then we got our first glimpse of the black sea. We called in at Anadolu where everyone disembarked and the crew took a break. Everyone filed past the village and climbed the hill, so we decided to follow and reached the abandoned Yorus castle for a great view. Along the way were apartments in gated communities with barbed wire fencing, it looked like a prison with the amount of military presence but I guessed that they could have been barracks since there was a squad going through a drill that we’d spotted once we’d returned to the ferry. We also stopped off at a nice fish restaurant with a sea view while we waited to re-board the ferry.

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