Tuesday 16 June 2020


I probably have too many possessions. A mixture of nostalgia, childhood memories, and things to pass on or to mature their value. There’s also the failed hobbies. Hundreds of pounds spent on projects that I don’t do any more sitting around wasted. Old battle figures, books, half-figured puzzle books, DVDs that may not work any more. Finally, there’s the stuff that I keep because I think it might be useful later; either to me or to lend out to a friend in return for a favour. Product boxes, computer disks, even a floppy disk drive powered by a USB. I doubt if there’s even a driver out there for it any longer, though I suppose someone out there could be equally nostalgic. I’m a hoarder, possessed by possessions. But is that what’s holding me back? Am I too full? Do I need to be a bit more ruthless in choosing what I chuck away? Or do I simply need to think of a new and sensible way to store it all to create more space? To sort it before storing it?

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