Tuesday 9 June 2020

Chloe and the Chocolate Factory

For a half-term treat, we decided to take the girls to Cadbury World. We went by train which meant that we could get a discount if we booked our travel tickets with our tour. Because of high demand, we had to book an arrival slot. Unfortunately, Millie wasn’t well enough to join us that day, but her age meant that she would have got in for free anyway. The walk from the station itself was quite a trip as we had to walk past the employee car parks and around the back of the factory to reach the entrance; though we skirt by the cricket club where it got pedestrianised. When we showed the booking to the attendant in charge of handing out complementary chocolate, she agreed to put a few extra bars into our bag. Then we waded through the artificial forest to learn about cocoa beans and arrived onto a Victorian cobbled to await an invite from a virtual Joseph Cadbury into his factory.

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