Saturday 27 June 2020

Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden

Memoirs of a GeishaMemoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

It’s an interesting and novel subject to focus on, but at times I thought this book could have been more intimate to increase its appeal. I enjoyed the style of Golden’s writing, from the progression of a young frightened girl to the mature woman that she becomes, though at times I found the narrative to drag on a bit. Being a Westerner, I think I would have enjoyed a bit more attention to detail, as what would be considered everyday to the Japanese would fascinate other readers, though occasionally Golden does take the time to tell us this in earlier chapters. I also found it a bit strange that Chiyo referred to her goal so formally throughout the novel; particularly in later years when she began to discover more about him. The ending revelation is impressive but perhaps not so much as to encourage the reader to re-visit earlier passages. It’s entertaining, but it’s more of a biography than a gripping read that you’ll remember.

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