Saturday 1 August 2020

Living someone else's dream #dreamdiary92

I’m standing in a large building with a corrugated iron roof. Inside, there’s thin red metal rafters holding everything up amongst piles of rubble. I’ve been trying to attract video gamers into my venue to play laser tag but not a single person has turned up this morning. I’ve used my best on-line marketing skills to attract people by placing adverts on social media, but the building is quite makeshift and sparse which hasn’t encouraged anyone to make a booking. There’s only a few rusty barrels and yellow illegible graffitied signature plasterboard walls that I’ve put up myself alongside overturned stacking tables which people could use as cover. I haven’t even got a light and sound system. As I pass through a doorway, the wall surrounding it collapses behind me. It seems that the path to follow my own dream has failed and all that remains is to live out someone else’s and help them to realise their potential. 

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