Sunday 23 August 2020

Old Habits #nuclearmermaid12

 When she woke up, she was glad to see that she was still surrounded by water. After swimming round to investigate her surroundings, she decided to peek at the surface. Having no fear, she rose quite quickly. Once she removed her hair from her eyes, she saw nothing but stone at first. There was no blue sky above her, instead there were several small suns hanging from the ceiling in a linear shape. Suddenly a light splash hit her shoulders followed by a small plopping noise. As she turned she saw something sinking towards the stone bottom. Food! She dived for the fish and ate it quickly and greedily; she couldn’t recall when she last ate. But there was something strange about this fish. It felt too cold and slightly hard. And where did it come from? As she returned to the surface, she saw the biped with a bucket at its feet. She realised that she wanted more. Much more.

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