Friday 14 August 2020

Glammin' up the Lounge

Operation Christmas tree is usually a family affair, even if not all the family members can attend at once. It all starts with me bringing the stuff down from the attic. This in itself is not a big job since we’ve organised what we need to be within arms’ reach to the hatch as possible. Because Dad fell off the ladder years ago, we now have a lightweight aluminium ladder instead of a heavy wooden one; though its top plate is slightly smaller and it’s a leap of faith to get yourself up through the hatch by standing on the handle. Mum still likes to hold the ladder to ensure that no accidents take place; though I’m not sure how she could prevent me from losing my balance. But nowadays it’s just a case of passing the boxes down then bringing them downstairs. All that remains is to build the tree in time for the minions to come around and decorate it.

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