Friday 28 August 2020

Twinkle Toes

I feel like I’m being worked to the bone. Every shift I’m either taking stuff off a shelf or putting more stuff on. Meanwhile, my colleagues seem to be having it easy. Some are swiping projects that I’ve started and they’re taking longer to finish them because I know which areas can be skipped. Some are just stopping work altogether to chat. And some are trying to find as many excuses as possible not to complete the task that they’re assigned to. The trouble is that I need the money without the responsibility. At the end of the day, I’m just going to keep my head down and get out of there as soon as possible. And when managers must act out their roles and complain to me afterwards about their woes; all that I can do is to pretend to sympathise with them; at least during working hours. It’s either that or maybe I shouldn’t have gone to the gym in the morning on the same day.

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