Sunday 30 August 2020

Who's the Dude

 It was my ex-boss who recommended this game to me. The front of the box reminds me of The Big Lebowski. I can just imagine him sitting round a kitchen table with a few mates and a few bottles wearing a gigantic hat while his pals try to flick bottle tops into its brim. But the idea of the game is a great one; you get to position the inflatable man as you see fit for everyone else to guess what you’re acting out. And there’s no doubt that this is a great game for parties until The Dude gets a puncture or becomes more animate than he should. He’s also probably been on more than his fair share of stag parties as well. But at the end of the day, it’s an expensive version of charades. You could probably get Lego figurines or action figures for a low-budget version of the same thing.

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