Saturday 8 August 2020

Part and Parcel

Damaged goods puts you in a state of incompleteness until you can invest in the time to resolve the issue. How long must you wait before you can continue? All because some incompetent person couldn’t do their job properly or didn’t get the right training to do the job correctly in the first place. How could they give two boxes that are the same? And who has the other half of your dresser? What an odd combination of parts it must have looked. Have they somehow managed to reverse-engineer it to suit another purpose? Or were they too polite to go through the hassle of having the mistake corrected? Failing this simple task doesn’t give you much hope that they’ll get it right the second time round but all you can do is to trust and hope. And of course, you could get started in the meantime (if you’ve got the first box), but equally you could be wasting your time.

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