Sunday 9 August 2020

Spam Scam

It seems that the spammers have upped their game during this pandemic. It’s either that or the people monitoring these scams have suddenly been furloughed, leaving us to deal with it. It’s a shame that someone must oversee this in the first place, but I suppose you’ve got to have prevention in the same sense that you’ve got to have security. Several schemes seem to be abound. As everyone is desperate for celebrity gossip, the first one seems to be of makeshift tabloids describing celebrities endorsing bitcoin schemes with tales of wealth and tax havens. Next up is a more realistic shopper’s survey from a major chain store that you might have visited with the hope of obtaining a high-value gift card. Fortunately, it’s not hard to work out that I haven’t visited these stores recently. The latest craze seems to be just gibberish but there’s a promise that you can remove yourself from their mailing list with one simple click. They all seem to be sent in the dead of night; either to take advantage of late-night prowlers or hope to be at the top of the inbox when you check your mail in the morning. All it takes is to think before you click and you can save yourself a lot of hassle.

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