Thursday 13 August 2020

Brook Looker

What role does a brook have in a modern society? It’s no longer a source of water for human consumption; you get that from the tap. They might look pretty and encourage local wildlife and tourists to visit as a picturesque beauty spot but that’s about it nowadays. It’s simply a means to get water from one place to another. If it’s not managed, it could look very unpleasant and off-putting. It could spawn a marshland and attract the wrong kind of wildlife. It could be a danger to anyone attempting to cross it. dumping ground for waste or a deposit for runaway shopping trollies. Still, if you don’t do something about it you’re going to end up with a lot of water somewhere if it gets blocked. And it could create a lot of other hazards too. It only remains to keep an eye on them to prevent any disturbances. 

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