Monday 24 August 2020

Captain Choosey

You’ve seen an opportunity to give great customer service. You’ve spotted that there’s a choice in an item that you’ve chosen and you’ve rounded them all up to give them as many options as possible. It’s nice when some of them think that they wouldn’t get a choice at all. Some of them are even infuriated at having to make the decision. But it’s sod’s law that some expectations have already been defined. Some believe that it’s the full set that they’ve ordered. Others are after a character that you just haven’t got. What do you do? We could order more but we can’t guarantee which one comes in. It would be nice if we could take the time to make enquiries to get their desired item ordered. But everyone’s in the same boat so you’ve got no way of knowing without another pair of eyes handy. And then you’ve got to get it from A to B somehow. But apparently we just can’t make the effort nowadays.

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