Thursday 6 August 2020

Key Chaos

I managed to finish my shift early. I got back to the yard and signed off the van. There was even someone willing to let me out. He just had to unlock the front doors. We walked through the shop but the keys weren’t there. He wandered off to look for them but five minutes later he returned with a sheepish grin on his fence. ‘I’ve locked them in the office’ he said. Luckily, there was a supervisor nearby in the pub, but as someone always had to be on site, I was the only person who could go and get them. So I had to walk out the service yard and past the other service yards to get to my car at the front of the store. I then had to drive round the one-way system to get to the pub; only to find that roadworks had recently closed the street that I wanted to get to which forced me to do a second lap of the town. I met the supervisor who gave me the keys and told me not to worry about returning them to her tonight. I don’t think we even bothered with greetings, but I was off with a quick thanks back to the store. Half an hour later, I was allowed to go home. 

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