Friday 7 August 2020

Patterns and Shapes

At first glance, there’s just nonsense. There’s just a blur of squiggles and lines. There may be some repetition or a hidden object to decipher. It can be soothing to follow but also chaotic to make sense as you try to work out what it all means. If you can just find the starting line, you might be able to follow each stroke around the page. But one cris-cross and you’re all lost. What was the artist trying to achieve? And did they get bored in frustration or lose focus on their goal? Or perhaps they completed their project as intended. If you stare at the page for long enough, you might just find some meaning. A face may appear, or even an animal. You may even see an original subject that was scribbled out. Either that or your brain has wandered off and has found something more interesting to focus on.

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