Monday 17 August 2020

The Compromise #dreamdiary93

I’m in the capital meeting some friends for a party. I’ve spent the morning doing some sightseeing but now I’m running late for my rendezvous. My last activity is to explore Debenhams for a pair of sunglasses but I haven’t come across any that I’ve liked. I make my way to the exit via a posh step of stairs but they’re quite steep and I can’t quite grasp where the next rung is. All of a sudden the background noise fades away behind me and all I can see is an advert for Dior in front of me. I realise that I’ve walked into a designer lift. I head to the top floor where it becomes a glass elevator and there’s a toothless old man in a rag costume looking at me. I step out of the lift into a bar. The man looks at me and says, ‘It’s not twelve o clock yet but if you like you can wait here for a few minutes then I’ll serve you first.’ I thank him and he moves over to his open square bar which features Fosters and one handpump. I’m eager to see the clip but it’s out of sight and I’m not really in the mood for a drink as I’m one my way to meet people for quite a few. The bar is already quite full and some people still have drinks. It’s a bare, grim atmosphere with cigarette smoke and fruit machines. The barman is now talking to one of his regulars and I decide to slip out onto the street. I’ve got less than an hour to meet up with my friends. I get out my smartphone and discover that a few hops on the Bakerloo line should do the trick as we’re meeting in a pub near the Elephant and Castle. I make my way down to the platform which is absolutely packed and realise that it’s easier to wait for the next one; this seems to be a vintage train as the carriages are made of wood and they’re similar to an American mail train. I’m just about to text my friends where I am when I feel a tug at one of the pockets on my rucksack. Someone is trying to steal my water bottle! Thankfully it’s an empty one that I found lying in my hostel earlier that someone said that I could keep, but as I snatch it back off him and turn away the kid’s now trying to steal my full one on the other side of the rucksack. Being as he hasn’t got a drink and I’m on my way to acquire several, I decide to reach a compromise. I open the recent acquired flask followed by my own, then pour the contents of my flask into the first one. A crowd gathers to watch this; fascinated by this act of charity. The next train arrives but it’s another wooden one; although this one is open-topped with wooden seats inside. I jump into the carriage before it starts filling up again, but thankfully my carriage doesn’t become too crowded. I arrive at the terminal and make my way pass the castle; realising that I’ve visited a similar castle somewhere else. I walk past a child’s play-version of the same castle realising that it must have been the same castle but I was with a different group of people at the time.

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