Tuesday 11 August 2020

Stan & Ollie (2019)

I thought this film was quite sad. It focuses on the duo’s declining years rather than a biopic of their career and I would have like to have witnessed the moment that they’d paired up. It was if they’d kind of accepted their declining years and that there wasn’t much of a fight left in them left to claw it back. It would have been funnier if the duo resembled their on-screen characters in real life. There were a few attempts at this but it just came off as frustrating and were acts to fill out some screen time rather than have any comedic value. I did enjoy identifying some of the landmarks that were used in the filming; though I must question how a Black Country pub can be substituted for one in Newcastle. But a distortion of the facts to create a compelling drama seemed to have let this down; and perhaps if the breakdown of the relationship had been exaggerated with a few gags, this would have created greater conflict and would have made the film a lot more interesting.

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