Wednesday 30 January 2019

Waiter Worries

One of the worst things that can happen while having a meal is when a waiter insists on having a chat with someone from your table. You’re sat there with no previous context of the conversation while the particulars are blabbed out in detail. It totally ruins the experience of interacting with one another. All you can do is sit there and listen. You’ve come out for a meal, not to discover the finer details of the waiter’s love life. And the only reason your relation’s asking is because she’s desperate to be invited to an Indian wedding. In the meantime, she’s looking at past photos of him with past girlfriends at past functions in amazement that he’s not wearing the same waistcoat as he is now. If you get bored our own thoughts will entertain you for a while. But be wary that you’re not asked to join in the discussion later when the waiter’s gone.

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