Thursday 3 January 2019

The Lunch Burglar

Are there really people out there who steal other people’s lunches? It sounds like something out of an office sit-com or an episode of Tom & Jerry. They’re not exactly going to dress up as The Hamburglar and sneak in with a large bag marked swag as soon as the doors are open for business. And if these people can’t be trusted in the break room then where in the business can they be trusted? Do they let out an evil cackle when they open the fridge door? Or is there something wrong with them that stops them from being normal human beings? Perhaps they need some extra training in the common sense department. Either way, anyone with this attitude isn’t really someone that you’d like hanging around with you. And because it’s a personal offence, the method which the victim is going to use to fight back is going to be personal as well.

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