Wednesday 23 January 2019

Nuclear Mermaid 1A #nuclearmermaid

‘Doctor, we’re now approaching the source of the heat. We’re picking up dozens of thermal images detecting signs of life.’
‘Send out a probe and let’s see what we got.’
‘Wouldn’t that disturb their natural habitat?’
‘Well, how else do you suggest that we discover the source? Are you volunteering to go out there?’
‘No, but what if we destroy a new species of life?’
‘Well, we won’t know until we’ve tried.’
‘Can’t we get a little closer?’
‘We’re already risking the ship in the depth that we’re at. Launch the probe now and let that take the risk.’
‘I still think that any disturbance- ‘
‘-may I remind you who’s funding this expedition? Launch that probe now!’
The probe whooshed off into the distance, its echo was quickly silenced. All ten eyes now fell upon the engineer controlling it.
‘So what should I concentrate on first?’
‘Let’s start with the visual scan. Drive it to the centre of the anomaly and we can send it further once we’ve gathered initial data.

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