Friday 18 January 2019

Standing Up for Sitting Down

A strange campaign has been launched in our shop. I’ve never heard of this before, and I’ve certainly never seen any of the marketing material elsewhere. We’re standing up for sitting down. Basically, we’re recognising the need for people to have a rest and that we will make the effort to allow them to sit down for as long as necessary, whether it’s for them to catch their breath or they need a bit more stability when they’re at the till or flicking through the sales brochure. It certainly makes sense if you’re a high street retailer in the middle of a busy town. All too often, space equals the amount of revenue that can be made off it through rent, so we’re constantly rushed from one shop to the next with no real area allocated for stopping to socialise. But the trouble begins when you really want people to move on, especially when you have to close up. Hey, it could happen.

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