Saturday 19 January 2019

Check-Out Charlie

There are over 400 hotels in New York City, from the glamorous skyscrapers to the cheap hell-holes and everything in between. And all of them have one thing in common; they all buy their complimentary toiletries from check-out Charlie. They come in an exclusive designer bottle with the city’s skyline printed on them, and they smell so good. They’re delivered weekly by a cheeky chap named Charlie who calls at the front desk to see the manager. When he turns up at reception, the staff see him amongst a crowd of guests ready to check out and they just buzz him through. What they don’t know is that instead of visiting the manager’s office, Charlie is actually sneaking into the guest rooms as they check out and steals back the toiletries before the maids spot him. A quick chat with the reception staff as he exits builds up future rapport which lets him get buzzed in next time. Then he re-fills the bottles and sells them back to the hotel at a later date. The perfect crime.

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