Saturday 12 January 2019

Unity Brew House Frizzle at the Weightbridge, Alvechurch

It’s been a long tradition to meet up in Alvechurch and join the Sunday Club. This involves swarming the tables in front of the bar as soon as it opens and remaining there until closing time. Some members have the honour of breaking the restaurant rule and are permitted to dine in there too. That way, they get a good close look at the guest clientele who visit when they park up their narrowboat outside. There’s little room at the bar and the queue forms in the middle of the room passing either side of the club tables. Members always like to chat to the visitors and may even treat them to a joke or a tale or two. As the pub shuts in the late afternoon for a break, some members like to stay outside and stock up with pints whatever the weather until the pub opens in the evening. I’ve never taken advantage of this tradition (yet).

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