Saturday 5 January 2019

Ghost Spider

I’m lying in bed staring at the ceiling. A bedside reading lamp points up at the ceiling illuminating a cobweb waving across the white frack-painted ceiling. As I move my hand, it moves too, swaying from the resistance that my hand makes. It’s as if the web itself is moving. But I can’t see a spider! Is it camouflaged? Does it have chameleon abilities, or is a natural white to match that of the ceiling? Or is it a ghost that’s simply left its trail behind? Later on I can make out the web dangling from the ceiling swaying backwards and forwards with a small white dot at the bottom. The web seems to line up perfectly with a join between the paper in the ceiling. And a twist of the light reveals more strands moving across the top of the curtain rail. Could something have gotten through? I think I’ve just discovered how on average we swallow eight spiders a year in our sleep.

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