Monday 28 January 2019

A Piece of the Puzzle

One of the things that my nieces really enjoy is jigsaws. They love seeing how things fit together and match up. I even got the eldest one a personalised jigsaw with four photos of herself. We’ve started easy with Peppa Pig puzzles which they can now do on their own to great big floor puzzles that lets them lie on the floor and stretch out as they try the different pieces. Sometimes it takes them a while to figure out that certain pieces don’t fit; especially when they start to force the pieces in. When I do a puzzle I usually like to try and get the edges established so that I can work out where the features go, but they like to put things together as soon as possible. We’re now onto a set of Frozen puzzles which are the same size but the pieces start to get smaller as there are more of them.

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