Sunday 13 January 2019

Mind Your Mistakes

"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." -Albert Einstein

Up. Kettle. Tea. Telly. Breakfast. Wash. Work. The usual routine. It may seem boring, but it’s also safe. You know more or less what’s going to happen, or what at least should happen. And at the end of the day you know that these actions aren’t going to be a threat to you. It guarantees you a home, shelter, and comfort. There’s no risk but it’s the same. Outside of that circle is the big, wide, world. There’s change out there. It’s different. And you’ve got no idea of what’s going to happen next. Staying inside your bubble means that you’re not going to make any mistakes to put your well-being into jeopardy. But it’s also boring and nothing will change. And if you’re not happy with the way that things are, you’re not going to be adventurous enough to do something about it. But when you do, you learn that it’s OK to make mistakes.

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