Sunday 27 January 2019

Aladdin (Redditch Panto)

It seems strange to set a traditional Arabian tale in the middle of China. Perhaps it’s to avoid copyright issues, or maybe it would be just too much for a small stage to pull off. It also affects the plot; there seems to be a need to fill a criterion to accommodate traditional pantomime action as well as the latest dance trend and movie soundtrack; in this case Baby Shark and The Greatest Showman. I was especially disappointed that treats weren’t thrown into the audience. However, I felt that this year’s performance was a lot less interactive than usual; especially when it came to the audience replying to the characters. It really felt like the actors were giving up at one point. But looking around the audience, it did feel like that there were more adults present than children. And it certainly felt that one of the children who was invited to come up on stage was planted. Am I being too cynical? Maybe I'll give next year's show a miss.

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