Monday 21 January 2019

Noel Edmunds has never had so much influence

Brexit is looming and no-one seems to know what is going to happen. It looks like barely any planning has been made and we’re suddenly being warned that supermarkets will find their shelves empty. At least it will encourage shoppers to shop around. But big multi-national companies are also predicting what will happen if things don’t go their way. The trouble is that nothing seems to have been negotiated. Anyone who relies on international trade has no idea of what the deal is and how it will affect them. And the European Union might as well be a mysterious man on the end of a telephone who laughs at every hurdle that we attempt to resolve. There doesn’t seem to have been a consultation to help decide what would work for everyone or an independent body set up to help us become more independent. The government has set an ambitious deadline but there’s been no preparation. We just have to hope that they choose the right box.

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