Tuesday 22 January 2019

Birthday Stakeout

I’d decided to surprise a friend with some birthday gifts by intruding upon his regular Monday evening routine. He’d usually catch a lift to practice, then would famously be dropped off at his local pub just in time for last orders. The bar staff would wait very patiently for his arrival before starting to clear away the taps for the evening. Even better was the fact that all the ales were a pound off to get rid of the leftover beers from the weekend. I found a high table and perched up and set up a camp. I’d also invited another friend to keep me company and join in on the surprise, but unfortunately he couldn’t join me. Time passed and I soon found myself buying a second beer. When he eventually arrived, he soon admitted that he wasn’t planning to pop in tonight but he’d somehow gotten wind of what I was planning and made the effort to come up for his birthday gifts. I’d just about had enough energy for one more half to accompany his pint before last orders were called and home beckoned.

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