Friday 25 January 2019

Ice Ice Baby

I’d had a lazy morning. I’d ruled out going to the gym and was having a nice dressing gown morning. I’d just finished breakfast and was about to start shaving and dressing when the doorbell rang. I thought it would be my mother who’d forgot her key or was fumbling to get into the warm, but it turned out to be my neighbour from across the road.
‘Hello’ I said, ‘How are you?’
He saw me in his dressing gown and had his serious look of disapproval on his face. ‘Your Mum’s had a fall coming down the hill. You’d better ger some clothes on.’ But by the time I’d got covered up he’d already walked her to the door. After sitting down and seeing her wrist swell up, we quickly decided that she needed a visit to A + E. I offered to put her wrist in some ice to help reduce the swelling, but she refused (why does everyone?) So while she calmed down from the shock I got the car out and we set off on our unhappy journey.

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