Wednesday 2 January 2019

Boxing Day Twins

It’s great having an older sibling in the family; especially when she helps out the younger one. It’s a service that she doesn’t charge us for (yet). She’s always happy to show her what to do first; though this could be seen as selfish since she gets the first opportunity to do everything. The younger sibling can’t be as loud as the older one and it’s hard to find out what she wants, so the older one often translates this for her into ‘bigspeak’ when there’s conflict on what to have for lunch or which activity to do. She’s also very honest when she does this for us and doesn’t try to change her answers (or maybe she hasn’t worked that one out yet). It’s great that there’s a hidden language between the two but it’s a shame that she doesn’t muck in to look after her though; she leaves that merry task to us.

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