Tuesday 15 January 2019

A Night at the Park #dreamdiary 71

It’ a bright and warm weekday evening so I decide to head into the city centre to join a meeting and see a few friends. Unfortunately, I set off on my journey way too late, and I arrive later than planned. Sensing that the meeting has already begun, I decide to do a small pub crawl on my own, but nowhere nearby catches my eye. There’s a large red brick building with several shop fronts and blocked paving to match on both the road and pavement. I follow a á beige-coloured blocked paving footpath round a corner between a street of shops. I end up in a large open grass area, and spend an hour sitting on a picnic bench doing some writing. There’s a pleasant student atmosphere, and a few people ask if they could join me to take advantage of the bench as well. As dusk approaches, a man appears to lock the park gates and asks everyone to leave. My next move is to catch a train home, but I can’t remember the way back. I’m tempted to get out my phone, but I decide to wander around and gather a few reference points to get my bearings first. Eventually, I spot a bridge and a rail sign, so I join the escalator and board the first train I see. I suddenly realise that I’m on a cross-country train, but luckily I can get off at the next stop. As the train approaches the station I prepare to disembark but I can’t find the exit. Once the train has arrived, a door opens in the floor of the carpet revealing a staircase downstairs.

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