Sunday 20 January 2019

Happy Birthday Nanny

It’s always difficult to decide what to buy for someone’s birthday in January, especially with Christmas so close behind you. If you’re lucky, you can catch something in the January sale so long as you know what you’re looking for. Gift vouchers are also ideal, especially for clothes when there’s a few trips coming up. Or you could steal a purchase that they’ve just bought, wrap it up and put the cash for it inside. Another option is to have a snoop around their house and see what they’re running low on or what needs replacing. This beautiful cake was a great idea but we did end up with two cakes (not that I’m complaining as I get to try a good portion from each one). I also have to look into candles and organising the obligatory birthday meal. Where can we go that makes it feel special and not just a regular routine? Who do we invite? And who has their own plans that we don’t want to interfere with? This shouldn’t be this completed and stressful, but it’s the only major birthday that I must plan for. Last year we just went for a curry and invited lots of people, but it would be nice to do something different.

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