Sunday 1 July 2018

Is LinkedIn any good?

At first glance, LinkedIn seems to be a Facebook for business people. You add the few colleagues that you know, and maybe read a few articles that it sends you via email. There’s some occasional interesting insights; though many focus on companies that I’ve never heard of and their strategies and stock results. Occasionally you find out that a friend of yours has made a new business connection; though what it has to do with you I’ve no idea. Maybe it’s through you, or maybe there’s an opportunity that you can exploit. There’s also a hidden section on taking courses to improve your skills. Many of these courses require a monthly fee; though there’s the occasional freebie if you’re quick. But it may as well be a job advertising site; though most employers prefer to use it as a link to their own job site so that they have more control over searching for the attributes that they’re looking for.

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