Friday 20 July 2018

Millie and the Silly Birthday by Roger Hargreaves

Millie had been reading Chloe’s books for a while now, so we thought it would be fair if we got her one of her own. It’s a shame that this book doesn’t let you add photos, but it does let you add a friend or sibling. There’s some quite unrealistic logistics. How do you drive an elephant? The story makes a false assumption that the book isn’t bought as a birthday gift as many people would have done. It also assumes a lack of skills such as cake baking; which luckily my two-year-old niece doesn’t have, but perhaps it would have been better to have had the ability to edit and preview the story in some way. Nevertheless, the whole story lives up to its name and Millie really enjoyed the idea that she was included in a story! If you enjoy the regular antics of the Mr. Men, then this book is perfect for you.

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