Thursday 5 July 2018

City of the Future #dreamdiary 55

I’m in future Warwick! I’ve been helping to set up a new store, and the people are friendly here. Every morning I’ve called into the local police station which is based at the top of a multi-storey car park; and they’ve dropped me off outside the store. Today it’s my day off and my parents have come to see me, so we’ve decided to visit the castle. It’s hard to find as the city has been submerged by a gigantic shopping centre; but eventually we ascend a huge staircase. At the top is a stone wall which has collapsed into the moat. We watch as a bald man with tufts of brown hair in a green sweater vest gets too close to the slope and tumbles into the water. Later on, we cut across a field in the grounds and discover that we’ve somehow managed to exit the castle premises. We need to return to watch a live outdoor show that we’ve paid extra for; but we can’t work out how we’ve exited or how to get back in without paying again to get through the turnstile. The gateman just said no. Eventually we ascend a series of staircases into the grounds, but there’s only ten minutes before the show starts and my parents are getting tired.

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