Sunday 15 July 2018

Cannon Fodder

This is another masterpiece of a game. You’re not going to get graphics and the detail is quite pixelated, but the content is awesome. There’s tooled-up baddies all dying to put a bullet in your squad while you wander around trying to grab grenades without blowing them up. There’s a great deal of trigger-happy bazooka enemies to dodge and I particularly enjoy directing them to fire at their own buildings. It’s a bit unrealistic that they have an infinite supply while you’re just stuck with four, and it can be frustrating that your whole squad might get wiped out in one go by someone who’s off the screen; but that’s war for you. There’s also the occasional vehicle that you can commandeer but steering is with the mouse and can sometimes be quite tricky. Just don’t get too attached to your squadron or you might be reloading your game quite a few times.

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