Saturday 28 July 2018

On the Go

It’s a hard graft, especially when you’re asked to be on your feet for the entire length of your working day. Others may have a laugh and stand about talking to others while you put things away on the shelves and bring them out to them. There’s also background tasks like unloading lorries and vans, putting deliveries away, and preparing items to be sent back. So you’re always moving about while others are standing around chatting; and you know that if you chat to customers your workload is going to be backed up. And you know they’re not paying attention because they’re too busy talking to each other, and you end up doing their job for them. To hit your targets, you need the right people doing the right thing at the right time. And that’s not happening. People are goofing off too much just sitting around the back sipping drinks while I’m whizzing past with people’s stuff and I’m sick of picking up all the slack.

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