Monday 9 July 2018

An Icy Curry

My Mum’s had a close relationship with my sister-in-law for some time. She’s been widowed twice and my Dad has always looked after her and made sure she hasn’t been too lonely by inviting her out for meals and taking her on holiday. Now it’s Mum’s turn to be the widow and she’s only been doing it for a year compared to my aunt’s eighteen. They’ve holidayed together regularly which Mum has enjoyed but they’ve started to opt into all-inclusive hotels rather than getting out to enjoy the local cultural scene. And now my aunt’s met someone and the fraternization has got on Mum’s nerves as she’s left on her own. This year’s planned holiday has been postponed as the agreed month is now being spent with her new partner. And on a later than usual curry night on a squashed table amongst a rowdy crowd, Mum was tasked with the possibility of meeting them on her own as a couple for a curry. She’s just not ready for it and my aunt’s feeling offended that she won’t. not much else was said at the table which made for a very uncomfortable meal.

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