Thursday 19 July 2018

How do You Value Success?

"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." -Albert Einstein

Success is nothing. If you’ve got the wife, the house and the dream job, you might be proud of yourself. But how have you helped others? There’s a big difference between personal success and how well you contribute to society. You might hit all the sale targets in the world but are you just milking your customers or are you providing them with something that they actually want? You might pay your taxes out of your billion-pound salary but is that all you do? It’s when you give something back that people take note. And that’s when the definition of success truly changes. Are you completing a task to get a reward out of it or are you doing it because you care? When the bigwigs give back, people really do appreciate it.  It’s no good boasting of personal glory unless everyone shares in it. That’s one of the reasons why I’m not a big fan of sports. To be truly successful, you need to be part of a team that everyone benefits from. There’s always a loser somewhere.

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