Friday 27 July 2018

Young Sheldon

This is an interesting series. Parts of it goes too far such as too many Texan jokes and Christian doctrines. There’s some laugh-out loud moments but not as many as its parent series. There’s plenty of family rivalry but the characters all seem to amble on as best they can rather than protest as in the show of today. There’s some great moments when Sheldon decides to act up or take responsibility over the adults, but he always knows that he can shelter behind his child persona when things go wrong. It’s interesting to note that Sheldon’s behaviours have changed very little between his youth and his adult life. The series doesn’t really progress or relate to other episodes until the very end which is very sudden and inconclusive; and also loses focus on the main character. Perhaps Lorre already knew that a second series was in the making which allowed him to focus more on character development rather than storyline. Missy is so cute; it’s just unfortunate that Texan values overlook her genius as well.

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