Tuesday 17 July 2018

An End to a Saga

I think I’m finally coming to the end of my mother’s phone saga. As she returns from another overnight stay complaining that it had stopped working again, I took the battery out and put it back in again which brought it to life. But she’s had enough. I’d offered to do a hard reset to see if I’d set it up correctly but she didn’t want to spend any more time on it. We headed down to our local CEX store to get some advice. We explained how slow it was and my lack of knowledge of Android and the sales assistant himself said that he preferred iPhone because of the camera. It was a bit pricier than what Mum wanted to pay but you have to move with the times to get the best. It took me most of the afternoon to transfer and set everything up for her but by the end of it she had a fast phone even though the charge wasn’t great as it was a used one it was still better than the old one. And of course, a phone needs a case so we chose the shiniest, pinkiest glitteriest one we could find on e-Bay.

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