Monday 16 July 2018

Live in Lampeter

Now that I’ve mastered WhatsApp, I thought I’d give my first videocall a go. It was a fairly international call as it was from Wales to England as I showcased my bargain hotel room to my Mum. I showed her my little bathroom, my single bed (which really does look tiny looking back on it) and my TV, as well as the view of the high street outside, pointing out the pub that we had a meal in once alongside other more obvious features. It wasn’t particularly glamourous but it was the price that got me excited. She also wasn’t in, so it turned out to be more of a video message. I enjoyed the fact that I could introduce myself then flip to my surroundings at the touch of a button. It was also good to check up on Mum. Since then, I’m sad to say that I haven’t received any video calls.

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